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The function create_csp(n)
takes a natural number n
as argument and returns
a constraint satisfaction problem that encodes the
-queens puzzle.
A constraint satisfaction problem $\mathcal{P}$ is a triple of the form $$ \mathcal{P} = \langle \mathtt{Vars}, \mathtt{Values}, \mathtt{Constraints} \rangle $$ where
$\mathtt{Vars}$ is a set of strings which serve as variables.
The idea is that $V_i$ specifies the column of the queen that is placed in row $i$.
$\mathtt{Values}$ is a set of values that can be assigned to the variables in $\mathtt{Vars}$.
In the 8-queens-problem we will have $\texttt{Values} = \{1,\cdots,8\}$.
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def create_csp(n):
S = range(1, n+1)
Variables = { f'V{i}' for i in S }
Values = set(S)
DifferentCols = { f'V{i} != V{j}' for i in S
for j in S
if i < j
DifferentDiags = { f'abs(V{j} - V{i}) != {j - i}' for i in S
for j in S
if i < j
return Variables, Values, DifferentCols | DifferentDiags
The function main()
creates a CSP representing the 4-queens puzzle and prints the CSP.
It is included for testing purposes.
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def main():
Vars, Values, Constraints = create_csp(4)
print('Variables: ', Vars)
print('Values: ', Values)
for c in Constraints:
print(' ', c)
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In order to have a more convenient view of the solution of the 8 queens
puzzle, we have to install python-chess
. After activating the appropriate Python environment, this can be done using the following command:
pip install python-chess
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import chess
The function show_solution(Solution)
takes a dictionary that contains a variable assignment that represents a solution to the 8-queens puzzle. It displays this Solution on a chess board.
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def show_solution(Solution):
board = chess.Board(None) # create empty chess board
queen = chess.Piece(chess.QUEEN, True)
for row in range(1, 8+1):
col = Solution['V'+str(row)]
field_number = (row - 1) * 8 + col - 1
board.set_piece_at(field_number, queen)
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